What We Do

Canadian Commercial Real Estate Training Inc., is dedicated to Canadian commercial real estate training.

Learning emphasis in our courses is placed on contemporary, interactive case studies that are immediately applicable to your workplace to ensure you receive immediate value.

We provide cost-effective, customised and outcome-focused training for commercial real estate professionals.

Whether your training goal is to learn fundamental Canadian commercial real estate concepts or build on existing knowledge we’ve created courses dedicated to the nuances of Canadian commercial real estate that you may not have learned in your degree program.

We also offer the option of in-house delivery and can customize the course topic and structure to suit the needs of your team. In-house training can be tailored to suit your organizational needs with learning outcomes aligned to your training requirements.

Upcoming Courses

Choose from our wide range of courses and improve your skills in a direction suitable to your needs.

To learn more about the types of courses we provide and to register to be notified when new courses are available, please view the CCRET Courses page.